Saturday, March 14, 2009


Rats can eat almost anything. Yes.. Almost. Rats are omnivores. Hence there is no fix rat diet which you need to follow strictly as long as they can get all the nutrient they need. Keepers from the overseas give their rats food which is specially made for rat because they are easily obtainable in pet stores there. Lab blocks or commercially prepared block-type food contains all basic nutrients that a rat need in its diet. However, according to, commercial rat diets are full of ingredients that are either inappropriate for rats or simply aren't liked by rats. So unless you have access to high quality lab block, such as Harian Teklad, it is not advisable to use commercial rat food. Whereas, rat keepers here in Malaysia would create their own mix for their rats' staple diet. Rats need a mainly vegetarian diet with some animal protein. An example of a rat's diet will be mixture of fruits, vegetables, oat, sunflower seeds, spaghetti, wholemeal bread, cooked chicken bones, eggs and baby biscuits. It is not advisable to feed hamster mix to rats. 'Most mixes contain tiny seeds and alfalfa pellets that do not get eaten. Rats have a hard time digesting alfalfa, so they rarely eat it. Peanuts and other nuts, while enjoyed by rats and fine as treats, contain too much fat and protein to be a staple part of a rat diet. Finally, dried corn can not only contain fungus, but also creates nitrosamines in the stomach, which can lead to cancer' ( It is best that the food given do not contain preservative and colouring, and the food is low in salt and sugar. (carefully examine the ingredient used in the kibbles as well). These substance will cause dehydration, hair loss, diarrhea or many other complication to your rats. Bear in mind that male rats cannot tolerate high protein level as female rats. Ensure that there is a constants supply of clean, fresh drinking water. For treats, owner may consider using baby food, yogurt, fruit salad, steam corn, yogurt, cooked rice or pasta, biscuit, cheese, etc.. because rats basically like them as much as we do. A minimum amount of chocolate chips can be given. Rat, unlike cats and dogs, is one of the few animals that can take chocolate. Bare in mind, food that is healthy for humans is healthy for rats. Avoid food that will cause gas because rats are unable to pass gas for the rest of their lives. So gassy food such as potato chips and carbonated drinks might give them stomach ache instead.

Suebee's rat diet is one of the most recommended rat staple diet as it contents correct amount nutrients a rat needs (closest to lab block). Here's the recipe

1. 400 g dry rolled oats
2. 150 g puffed wheat cereal
3. 180 g puffed rice cereal
4. 340 g children vitamin/ mineral tablet, or small animal vitamin
5. 140 g roasted, unsalted soy nuts
6. 230 g dried fruits
7. 230 g dry pasta
8. 2/3 cup sunflower seeds
9. 120 g sugar-free muesli (optional)

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